Massive applause!
Massive applause!
That Is Awesome
Really cool idea. Love it. Extremely well done!
That was intense! Really well done. Cool idea. I feel so awesome jumping around from rooftop rooftop to inside a building and so on...
Those birds look great, flying away like that. And the Glass smashing is cool effect.
You keep making such fantastic games.
You've done an awesome job here.
Keep it up!
Great game. Nice design.
That was very enjoyable. Really well done. Keep up the great work!
Well I shat my pants a couple of times...
Great game. Very much like you're controling a horror movie. Smooth animation, Nice clean voice acting, and the graphics from the torch are great!
Definitly looking forward to the next part.
The major downfall of this game is that rather than "Where's Waldo" themed finding game. All you've done is place a transparent tank randomly in the picture. Then made it more transparent and smaller the closer you get to the end. What I was expecting (and what is much more clever) is getting images where the tank will blend in. Like the Zebra pattern level. Seeing as it's black and white and so is the pattern in fit in very nicely. Please consider this throughout your sequal. For me this was definitly not worth the wait of loading.
Apart from that, great job in scripting, nice voice over.
I hope you games get better and better.
I really like the graphics and the drawings.
It's not spectacular game. But there isn't anything a dislike.
It's the kind of game I feel like playing on my time off!
I know it's sounds a little funny, but it's so satisfying to selcet a whole bunch of clothing items.
Great game!
Cool game!
Really like it! Nice game play and graphics. Althpough a little repadative.
But al the same nice and smooth.
Home School
Joined on 9/16/07